Fortune Box - Protect Rudolphs Earrings
From FlyFF WIki
Cost: 375 gPotatoes
Count: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
Info: This special chance box contains 1x Scroll of SProtect, 1x Scroll of GProtect, 1x Scroll of AProtect, 1x Scroll of XProtect, and 1x Platinum Fortune Token.
This Fortune Box also has the chance to give you extra items at no extra cost and even features 2x Rudolph Earring as part of the chances! The famous Rudolph Jewelry set boasts +20% HP, +15% Melee Block, + 15% Ranged Block, +15% Crit Damage, +15% DCT, and +5% Speed
The following items have a random chance to appear in your inventory upon purchase of this Fortune Box:
- Scroll of Pet Reversion(Raised Pets) x1 (Very High Chance)
- Pet Energy x1 (Medium Chance)
- Volcano Card(7%) x1 (Low Chance)
- Fire Card (A) x1 (Very Low Chance)
- Scroll of Unbinding x1 (Rare)
- Rudolph Earring x2 (Rare)
Note that the Full Rudolph Set is worth 600 Platinum Fortune Tokens.Contact to redeem!
Note: The Rudolph Earrings comes as +0 but still carries the same stats as the +20 version