Fortune Box - Blessing of the Muran Goddess
From FlyFF WIki
Cost: 200 gPotatoes
Count: 1
Info: This special Fortune Box gives you a 1x Blessing of the Goddess for only 200 gPotatos!
In addition, the following items, including a BRAND NEW NEVER BEFORE RELEASED Little Muran Buff Pet, have a chance to appear in your inventory upon purchase:
- 1 Day Azria Ticket x1 (Very High Chance)
- 1 Day Traseia Ticket x1 (High Chance)
- Scroll of FProtect x1 (Medium Chance)
- 15 Day Enhanced Party Skill Range x1 (Low Chance)
- Scroll of Reduction A x1 (Low Chance)
- Re-Stat x1 (Very Low Chance)
- Little Muran x1 (Rare)