First Days of Spring Level Up Event and Attk Power Event! - FlyFF WIki

First Days of Spring Level Up Event and Attk Power Event!

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image:First Days of Spring level up event and attk power event.jpg

Greetings Flyffer's and welcome to Spring!

We know, we know, @gPotatoHelper hit their 1000 twitter followers mark. Chillax though, your precious weeklong 2x Exp event and 1.5 Drop event is coming - next week :3

However, this week, to get the ball rolling for spring, you are all going to be treated to none other than an Attack Power Event where you'll all be receiving a +300 bonus to your attack stats. This boost will run the course of three weeks to go alongside the Level Up Event!

Not familiar with the Level Up Event? In a nutshell, level as you normally would, get prizes for doing so! The list below show's what cool stuffs you'll all be getting, but just keep in mind that the first prizes from levels 1-60 are event and cannot be traded. However, past level 60, unless otherwise specified, each prize is indeed tradable!

Enjoy the event Flyffers and have fun getting free stuffs for your toons.

Level Up Event Prizes

Event Rewards
Level Icon Item Quantity
2 image:Scroll of Amplification ES20.png Scroll of Amplification ES20 1
5 image:UpcutStone.gif Upcut Stone (Event) 1
10 image:Scroll of Amplification ES20.png Scroll of Amplification ES20 3
15 image:UpcutStone.gif Upcut Stone (Event) 1
17 image:bangle.png Baby Tiger (1 Day Event) 1
20 image:Scroll of Amplification ES40.png Scroll of Amplification ES40 3
23 image:Flying_Special_Sylia.png (Event) Syila Bike Box (7 Days) 1
26 image:Scroll of Amplification ES40.png Scroll of Amplification ES40 3
29 image:Bull Hamstern.png Bull Hamstern 3
32 image:Scroll of Amplification ES40.png Scroll of Amplification ES40 3
35 image:FLY.png FLY Card 3
38 image:Scroll of Amplification ES40.png Scroll of Amplification ES40 3
40 image:Activition.gif Activition 3
43 image:UpcutStone.gif Upcut Stone (Event) 3
45 image:Grilled Eel.png Grilled Eel (Event) 2
47 image:UpcutStone.gif Upcut Stone (Event) 3
50 image:ScrollofBlessing.png Scroll of Blessing (Event) 2
55 image:Activition.gif Activition 5
image:UpcutStone.gif Upcut Stone (Event) 3
58 image:Grilled Eel.png Grilled Eel (Event) 3
image:RefresherHold.gif Refresher Hold 3
image:VitaldrinkX.gif Vital Drink X 3
60 image:Icon_backpack.jpg Extra Bag (15 Days) 1
62 image:Pink Event Box.png Raizei's Guardian Chest of Phat Lewt 5
64 - Power Scroll 3
67 image:FLY.png FLY Card 5
70 image:Azria Ticket.png Azria Ticket (1 Day) 2
75 - TurBo's Extremely Exquisite Historic Chest 5
77 image:PinkWrappedBox.gif Roanin's Magic Level Box 3
80 - Special Cloak Gift Bag! (This item and the cloak inside are not tradeable.)

84 image:Remantis Laccotte.png Remantis Laccotte 15
90 - RabidFish's Uber Doober Angel Chest 5
93 image:Remantis Laccotte.png Remantis Laccotte 20
image:MysteriousBag.gif Mysterious Bag 2
96 Image:Itm_EveBalRGbox.png Raffle Box A 2
100 - Rhisis' Blessed Treasure Box 2
103 - Lucky Ring Chance Box 2
105 - Cromiell's Legendary Golden Chest with HAWTSAUCE 5
110 - Redemption Scroll Box 1
114 Image:Itm_EveBalRGbox.png Raffle Box A 2
117 Image:Traseia Ticket.png Event Traseia (7 Days) (This item is not tradeable.) 1
120 - Magic Scrolls Box 1
- Polynikes Victorious Glasses Box B 3
123 image:moonstone.gif Event Moonstone 15
image:sunstone.gif Event Sunstone 15
125 image:Starcandy.jpg Super Star Candy 10
127 image:PinkWrappedBox.gif Champions Precious Bead Box 1
image:PinkWrappedBox.gif Adepts Precious Bead Box 1
129 image:Little Lykan.png Little Lykan 1
133 image:Remantis Laccotte.png Remantis Laccotte 99
135 image:BlessingoftheGoddess.png Blessing of the Goddess 3
image:Treasure Box.png Treasure Box 2
139 image:Feather Wings White.png Elegant White Wings 1