Chainsaw - FlyFF WIki


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One-handed weapon
Info Chainsaws are the natural enemy of the Zombie. This Chainsaw will run out of gas 24 hours after it is issued to you.
Attack: 1 ~ 1
Attack speed: Very Fast
Added bonus: Hit Rate+100%
Required Job: Vagrant
Required Level: 1
Duration: 24hrs
Stack Size: 1

Not available to purchase from NPCs.

Where Can I Get One:
Quest Related to: Zombie Hunter, Aberzombie & Flyff! and Chain Saw's Quest

This is a NPC Given quest item and is obtained as a reward for the collection of gas cans.

Related Pages

Notice: All items carrying EVENT tag must be kept in Inventory or BackPack. EVENT items are not; Trade-able, Bankable, or Warehouse-able.