Blessing of the Pet Tamer: Buy 2 get 1 FREE +BONUS - FlyFF WIki

Blessing of the Pet Tamer: Buy 2 get 1 FREE +BONUS

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image:Blessing of the Pet Tamer Buy 2 get 1 FREE BONUS.png
Cost: 800 gPotatoes
Count: 3, 10, 10, 10
Info: This special Blessing of the Pet Tamer Bundle is available for a limited time only and offers a buy 2 get 1 FREE Blessing of the Pet Tamer bonus. The Blessing of the Pet Tamer item allows you to revert your raised pet to its previous class at 99.99% EXP so that you can attempt to get a higher level in the current class.

In addition to the Blessing of the Pet Tamer, players who purchase this bundle will also receive the following, Red Drops, Yellow Drops and Clear Drops.