Welcome to V15 Level Up Event! - FlyFF WIki

Welcome to V15 Level Up Event!

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image:Welcome to V15 Level Up Event.png

Update - Hey guys, you may have noticed that the Level Up Event turned off at midnight last night. Have no fear, we are extending the event as we previously mentioned. The Event will resume after Maintenance this evening. We apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused.

Update - We've actually decided to extend this event for another week! Instead of ending on the original May 4th, 2010 date, this event will end on Tuesday, May 11th, 2010!

Welcome to V15 Level Up Event!

It's finally arrived, V15: Twilight of Darkness has officially launched! I'm sure more than a few of you saw this event coming, but yes, to celebrate FlyFF's latest update, we're bringing back an old favorite...

If the new level cap wasn't enough to get you all back to grinding, from April 14th, 2010 to May 4th, 2010, we'll be hosting the third installment of the famous Level Up Event! For those of you not familiar with the ones we ran over the summer of 2009 and throughout the month of January 2010, here's how this works (it's quite simple actually): As you level up during the event, you will receive special rewards whenever you reach the specified levels below. That's all there is to it!

A few notes about the event before I list the rewards:

  1. All items from level 1-60 are EVENT classed items and are non-tradable.
  2. Everything else from level 60 all the way to 129 are non-event, and you are free to trade them as you please. (Unless otherwise stated.)
  3. If you level to 120, then do the Master Quest and level to 60, you can get the items from 62+ again!
  4. If you delevel to a previous level, you cannot get items for leveling up again. So please, save yourself the trouble

Now on to the rewards!

Event Rewards
Level Icon Item Quantity
2 image:Scroll of Amplification ES20.png Scroll of Amplification ES20 3
5 image:UpcutStone.gif Upcut Stone 1
10 image:Scroll of Amplification ES20.png Scroll of Amplification ES20 3
15 image:UpcutStone.gif Upcut Stone 1
17 image:PinkWrappedBox.gif Special Cloak Gift Bag! 1
20 image:Scroll of Amplification ES40.png Scroll of Amplification ES40 3
image:Penguin.png Baby Penguin (7 days) 1
23 image:Bull Hamstern.png Bull Hamstern 2
26 image:Scroll of Amplification ES40.png Scroll of Amplification ES40 3
29 image:Bull Hamstern.png Bull Hamstern 3
32 image:Scroll of Amplification ES40.png Scroll of Amplification ES40 3
35 image:FUN.png FUN Card 3
38 image:Scroll of Amplification ES40.png Scroll of Amplification ES40 3
40 image:Activition.gif Activition 3
43 image:UpcutStone.gif Upcut Stone 3
45 image:Blue Balloon.png Blue Balloons 3
47 image:UpcutStone.gif Upcut Stone 3
50 image:Activition.gif Activition 4
image:RefresherHold.gif Refresher Hold 3
image:VitaldrinkX.gif Vital Drink X 3
55 image:Activition.gif Activition 5
image:UpcutStone.gif Upcut Stone 3
58 image:Grilled Eel.png Grilled Eel 3
image:RefresherHold.gif Refresher Hold 3
image:VitaldrinkX.gif Vital Drink X 3
62 image:Pink Event Box.png Raizei's Guardian Chest of Phat Lewt 5
64 image:Sunstone.gif Event Sunstone 2
image:Moonstone.gif Event Moonstone 2
67 image:FLY.png FLY Card 5
70 [[image:Azria Ticket.png] Azria Ticket (1 Day) 2
75 - TurBo's Extremely Exquisite Historic Chest 5
77 image:PinkWrappedBox.gif Roanin's Magic Level Box 3
80 - Power Scroll 5
84 image:Remantis Laccotte.png Remantis Laccotte 15
87 - Bubble's Happy Gift Box 3
90 - RabidFish's Uber Doober Angel Chest 5
93 image:Remantis Laccotte.png Remantis Laccotte 5
image:MysteriousBag.gif Mysterious Bag 2
96 Image:Itm_EveBalRGbox.png Raffle Box A 2
100 - Rhisis' Blessed Treasure Box 2
103 - Lucky Ring Chance Box 2
105 - Cromiell's Legendary Golden Chest with HAWTSAUCE 3
110 - Redemption Scroll Box 1
114 Image:Itm_EveBalRGbox.png Raffle Box A 2
117 Image:Itm_EveBalRGbox.png Raffle Box B 2
120 - Magic Scrolls Box 1
- Polynikes Victorious Glasses Box B 3
123 image:Remantis Laccotte.png Remantis Laccotte 99
image:MysteriousBag.gif Mysterious Bag 5
125 image:Starcandy.jpg Super Star Candy 10
image:PinkWrappedBox.gif Roanin's Magic Level Box 5
127 image:BlessingoftheGoddess.png Blessing of the Goddess 3
image:PinkWrappedBox.gif Champions Precious Bead Box 1
image:PinkWrappedBox.gif Adepts Precious Bead Box 1
129 image:Little Lykan.png Little Lykan 1
- A Full Elegant Guild House Furniture Set 1

Man that was a doozy writing up. I hope that list suffices for you all...get to grinding, and please enjoy the prizes