User:Sica62 - FlyFF WIki


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This article has a To Do list located here.

Editor Files:Table of Contents

My Sandbox

This is a page for you to practice coding.

Currently working on

Choosing the right class <- Any Suggestions?

Cash Shop Pets



The Cesca

Some of you may know me as the Forum Ruble rouser, and some of you may see me as the lazy-but friendly Ringmaster of Mushpoie. If you remember me from Mushpoie, - Here’s a lollipop- :D I’m 20 years old and currently leach off of my amazing parents in their New Jersey home. Yes I do have an accent :3 and No D: It’s not as Sex0rz as Lurockia’s. I started playing almost four years ago. Funny how the story begins. I wasn’t told by a friend and I didn’t find an Advertisement, I actually downloaded Flyff by accident. O:

The Game

...I needed an RM to FS

Once upon a time I saved over 1,000$ to buy myself a state of the art Laptop with amazing graphics so I can play PC games and watch movies. When I was younger I played a PC game called –Escape from Monkey Island- by –LucasArts- ; And I couldn’t find the original discs to download it. So I went onto gaming sites,and ALAS I found the link after literally four hours and clicked it. I was half asleep when I did this and ended up falling asleep on my laptop. When the install was done the speakers went off and I shot right up with keyboard indents in my face. The screen said Flyff-Unzipping. Wtfoox? D: I dare say I didn’t mean THAT game. I had NO idea what it was, and I decided to give it the benefit of the doubt and let it unzip, considering I- Like Lurockia- waited 6 hours for it to finish downloading D: What’s with all the wait anyways?

That Crazy Ringmaster

The second I pressed start after the patch ( and...after I registered >_>;) I was entered into a world of amazing eye candy graphics and a cute Penguin waving at me at the corner of my screen. Walla- I was hooked. I created an amazing – Well.. I think she’s amazing..- Ringmaster called Cesca and a Psykeeper named Uiropi. They are both my pride and joys :3 I’m known in-game often and you may recognize me as that crazy Ringmaster who had a Cash Shop Giveaway Trivia Event on the Full Shouts. D: If.. you didn’t win.. IM SORRY TT___TT;;


I was ecstatic when I was invited as one of the few working on the FlyFF Wiki and am so happy to see it running in it's Alpha stage. I never thought I would have had the opportunity to be able to help in anyway when it came to FlyFF. I love helping out as much as I can and I personally think this type of helpful work is fun. Call me cray-c but I enjoy looking up infos for the game x3 D: Okay yes I am a little crazy in the head but who doesn't like using their skills to help build something productive? . . . D:< Well I like it.


Known FlyFF-Wiki Editors:

Active Editors

Piccolo Status: Active Lead Editor
NyKo Status: Active Editor
WikiGuest Status: Active Editor
Serabell Status: Active Editor


Lurockia: It's a Cesca O:

Cesca: o: vandalizing??!!

Del: Again couple new mods :) Oh well, welcome to team.. Will add you both on my page aswell soon ^^

Cesca: Thank You Del :D :3 /hope to work with you soon o:

jasen dont know if you still come here but i miss your guidance. could you look at the cs pets and tell me which table format you would chose if you were still leader there. A) table with links to indivisual pages or table B) with all info right there?

Jasen YAY your back. We've missed you.

Roentel (7'.')7

jasenm222 Hi, we our trying to setup a meeting. Saturday, march 6th, 9ish AM eastern us time (gmt-5) on msn. If either me or cesca do not have your msn please pm one of us on forum so we can add you to conversation. The meeting will be to discus what is to become of the wiki. Do we need new editors? What still needs to be done? So on ans so forth. If you have questions or concerns jot them down so we can discus then. Once the existing editors are all on the same page we will then approach the GM's.Jasenm222 08:15, 1 March 2010 (PST)