Run of the Dumb Bulls - FlyFF WIki

Run of the Dumb Bulls

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Image:Run of the Dumb Bulls.jpg

Run of the Dumb Bulls

Quest Starting Location: Flaris
Quest : Run of the Dumb Bulls
NPC : Dumb Bull Matador

Dumb Bull Matador Location
Dumb Bull Matador Image:NPCDumb Bull Matador2.jpg

Quest Requirement : Level 15~170
Objective : The Dumb Bull Matador offers a repeatable quest for you! Kill 10 Rampaging Dumb Bulls and then return to him. You will receive an Are You Ready To Dumb Bull Box 2019 as reward! If you complete the quest 10 times, you will receive a Super Matador's Cloak image:Super Matador's Cloak.png(Speed +15%, Parry +20%, DEF +10) !

Rampaging Dumb Bull x10
Image:Rampaging Dumb Bull.png


Are You Ready To Dumb Bull Box 2019 x1
Image:Are You Ready To Dumb Bull Box 2019.png

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