Resting - FlyFF WIki


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Image:Resting.gif Party members recover 1.5 times faster. If the party leader is an Assist, party members recover 1.8 times faster.

  • Required Party Level: 35
  • Required Party Points: 2
  • Duration: 2 minutes

Using this skill makes all party members not in combat sit down to recover their HP, MP and FP at a faster rate. This skill works on all members of the party and they do not need to be in range of the leader. Members will remain sitting and under the effects of Resting until they move themselves or leave the party. As long as a party member remains in the party, they can stand up and sit down again to continue the effects of the skill until the skill duration expires. Note that this skill will cause party members who are in the middle of a battle to sit down as well.

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