Play For Rewards III - FlyFF WIki

Play For Rewards III

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image:Play for Rewards 3.jpg
Update: Hi everyone,

We're well aware that users are receiving Ice fakes(Lemon)s as part of the Play For Rewards extension that we had promised instead of FUN Cards, and we are aware that users who have completed 35 days as of today are not receiving the Pick-up Pet Upgrade item.

We apologize for the inconvenience, but to yours and our relief, all users will be receiving the proper rewards for the actual amount of days they completed as part of the event at 12:01 AM PST of July 2nd. This includes all of the rewards for the Play For Rewards event that are applicable and does include the Pick-up Pet Upgrade Item.

You will still be receiving Ice fakes(Lemon) instead of the FUN cards, but feel free to keep and use them as you see fit. While I don't recommend eating yellow ice...these items provide a +20% Speed boost to your character for 3 minutes.

I hope this alleviates and answers your concerns.

Thank you for your patience,

The last event of the V15 Expansion Celebration needed a post of it's own so here it is

This is an old favorite that will be running for more than a month ( May 26th, 2010 - June 29th, 2010 to be exact!) so let me give you a rundown as to how this event works:

For each character logged in for more than one cumulative hour each day of the event, that character will receive 2x image:FUN.png FUN Cards (2x FUN Cards per day, per character) via in game mail. Each day a character logs in for more than one cumulative hour, is tallied up, and the below prizes will be awarded (via mail) in addition to the FUN Cards:

Event Rewards
Days logged (At least one hour each day) Icon Item Quantity
5 image:Remantis Laccotte.png Remantis Laccotte 3
10 image:Babyleyena.png Baby Leyena (7 Days) 1
image:Remantis Laccotte.png Remantis Laccotte 3
19 image:Azria Ticket.png Azria Ticket (1 Day) 1
image:Remantis Laccotte.png Remantis Laccotte 3
24 image:BatterySilver.gif Silver Battery 1
image:Babyleyena.png Baby Leyena (7 Days) 1
image:Remantis Laccotte.png Remantis Laccotte 3
29 image:ScrollofReversion.png Scroll of Reversion 1
image:Icon_backpack.jpg Extra Bag (15 Days) 1
image:Remantis Laccotte.png Remantis Laccotte 3
34 image:icon Scroll of Awakening Protection.png Scroll of Awakening Protection 1
image:PinkWrappedBox.gif Adepts Precious Bead Box 2
image:PinkWrappedBox.gif Champions Precious Bead Box 2
image:Remantis Laccotte.png Remantis Laccotte 3
35 image:Pick-up Pet Upgrade.png Pick-up Pet Upgrade 1
image:Remantis Laccotte.png Remantis Laccotte 5

Here are a couple of things to note:

  1. The Baby Leyenas, the Azria Tickets, the Silver Batteries, and the Extra Bags are all EVENT and non tradable.
  2. You do not have to be logged in for a "straight hour" to earn it in a single day. i.e. you can log in on Monday for 30 minutes here, log off, and then log back in later for another 30 minutes to earn that hour as long as it is done within that same day.
  3. You do not have to be logged in on sequential days to earn multiple days. i.e. you can log in on Monday for 1 hour, earn 1 day, skip Tuesday, and then log in on Wednesday for 1 day. You will accumulate 2 days earned total.

That about wraps it up FlyFFers Enjoy all the great events for now, but you can be sure we'll be throwing some cool surprises your way in the weeks to come!