Emporium ticket - FlyFF WIki

Emporium ticket

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Emporium Ticket (7 Days)

Info: You have unlimited access to the Emporium for 7 days after activating the ticket.
Cost: 350 Wcoins
Quantity: 1

  • Lasts 7 days of real-time, whether you are logged in and using it or not. Double-click the ticket anywhere and anytime to be teleported directly to Emporium. While in Emporium, double-click the ticket to be teleported out of Emporium, to Flarine. Can be sold/traded until it is used for the first time. After that, it can not be sold/traded.

Emporium Ticket (14 Days)

Info: You have unlimited access to the Emporium for 14 days after activating the ticket.
Cost: 650 Wcoins
Quantity: 1

  • Lasts 14 days of real-time, whether you are logged in and using it or not. Double-click the ticket anywhere and anytime to be teleported directly to Emporium. While in Emporium, double-click the ticket to be teleported out of Emporium, to Flarine. Can be sold/traded until it is used for the first time. After that, it can not be sold/traded.
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