Coral Island Ticket - FlyFF WIki

Coral Island Ticket

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Note: Contrary to what the description in the Cash Shop may say, there is no minimum level required to use the Coral Island Ticket. You can enter Coral Island at any level.

Coral Island Ticket (1 day)

Info: Ticket for entering Coral Island. Expires 1 day after activation.
Cost: 75 gPotatoes
Quantity: 1

  • This ticket can transport you to a secluded island where sea-based creatures roam in masses. On Coral Island, the monsters are between level 43 - 69, non-aggressive, give you 2x experience points and item drop rates, and are everywhere. This ticket lasts for 24 hours (whether youre logged in or not). Enjoy!

Coral Island Ticket (15 days)

Info: Ticket for entering Coral Island. Expires 15 days after activation.
Cost: 450 gPotatoes
Quantity: 1

  • This ticket can transport you to a secluded island where sea-based creatures roam in masses. On Coral Island, the monsters are between level 43 - 69, non-aggressive, give you 2x experience points and item drop rates, and are everywhere. This ticket lasts for fifteen days (whether youre logged in or not). Enjoy!
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